It’s just a play, just another “game of life” –

Careful, as it may slay;

Enjoying the showers, showers of pleasure,

Arrives fright in a sudden way.


Bore, do not with the same old fight

Explore the unexplored;

If unknown, all that’s right –

Go beyond your hold.


Life’s a blade, being on it’s edge –

Never do judge with grade;

Enrich oneself, with lessons, experiences;

Before it’s too late to fade.


Be the one, to cherish all it’s grants

Shining bright among-st the gray;

You’re the one, it’s only tenant

Ride along with it, as you may.


Respect it with all your heart

Welcomes you, as it on earth –

Make life, your reason to persevere

All your reasons to mirth.


Live it with pain & with love

Smile with it & do laugh;

Deep within, it’s your land of dove

Becomes it, as your magical trough.


You’re skillful, you’re clever

Invest thus upon your aura –

It’s not, but you’re it’s lover!

Like earth, it is your fauna & flora.


It’s your mirror, it’s your shadow

From which you can’t wander;

All you have, is that you borrow

From life, if you do not squander.


Mind & heart all it is –

Has much in it’s store

It’s your library, full of books –

Making you crave for more.


‘Death’ is a word;

‘Life’ is not –

‘Dying’ maybe easy;

‘Living’ might not.


Life is all that you’re now –

It’s your sky & sea,

Sunshine makes it brighter to glow

Can’t you, feel it or see?


See the unseen, feel that’s not felt

Now that you’re so keen;

Hindrance, is what had to be dealt with

Be what you haven’t been.


Death may come, but shouldn’t be your favor

Even being the owner of this gift;

Life gives you the color & flavor

Deploy your card, the card of thrift.


‘Problems’, best friend of life

‘Solution’, it’s foe –

Helps you to persist

To it’s end you can’t ever go.


Positive & negative, making a zero;

Reckon the positive more

Negativity, might often become a hero!

Diversity breaks it’s core.


Yesterday is a history;

Tomorrow is a mystery;

Today is a gift,

That’s why it’s called ‘Present’.

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